Look for the RIGHT person, not a PERFECT person to marry.
The right person will be perfect for you, a "perfect" person may not be right for you.
Stop searching for the "perfect" person that will meet ALL your demands motivated by greed or insatiable desire for materialism or ALL your requirements inspired by unintelligent counsel from social media users, friends or relatives.
Look for the RIGHT person that has the essential qualities needed in a good life partner.
If you marry the right person, eventually, you'll find them to be perfect for you.
You yourself are not perfect in everything, so why searching for someone who is perfect in everything? Perfect smile. Perfect laugh. Perfect set of teeth. Perfect skin. Perfect figure. Perfect dressing. Perfect spoken and written English. Perfect walking style. Perfect pocket (very rich). Perfect in cooking, washing clothes and cleaning the house. Hmm!
Say yes to the right person and help them build, develop and learn those attributes which can be learned to become the ideal man/woman you created in your imagination.
However, there is a need to make sure that the person you consider to be the right person for you is who God considers to be the right person for you.
When God says someone is right for you but they don't look perfect for you (in your own eyes), trust God and say yes to His will, after marriage, you'll see why God approved them and your joy will know no bounds.
As a child of God, God has your best interest at heart ALWAYS. He can never mislead you. He cannot deceive you. He cannot lead you into destruction. So when looking for who to marry, listen carefully to what God has to say to you. His leading ends in pleasantness.
~Precious Victor Akah