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Writer: Precious Victor AkahPrecious Victor Akah

I reside in a country where Christmas is celebrated with an abundance of decorations, gift-giving, festive gatherings, food, drink and the sharing of love. Although it is not a Christian nation, people embrace Christmas as a time of love, decoration, sharing, and merriment.

Many individuals here do not fully grasp the true meaning of Christmas; a few simply recognize it as the birthday of Jesus. But they're not to be blamed given that it is predominantly a Buddhist nation. However, it is disheartening to acknowledge that even in many Christian countries, some people remain unaware of the true significance of Christmas or celebrate it in ways that fail to honor the true celebrant: JESUS CHRIST.

Often, the acknowledgment of His birthday is overshadowed by pursuits of enjoyment and pleasure, with little consideration for what the CELEBRANT desires or what would please Him during this celebration.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the origins of Christmas. The term itself comes from the Old English phrase “Cristes Maesse,” first recorded in 1038, which translates to the Mass of Christ—the annual Christian festival commemorating Christ's birth on December 25.

Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ transcends being merely a Christian holiday or Christian festival. It is more than an occasion to decorate our houses and give gifts to one another; it is an opportunity to pause and express gratitude for the love, hope, and joy found in Jesus—our Savior and friend. This season invites each of us to consider accepting Jesus into our lives, allowing Him to guide us, so we can fulfill our purpose and lead successful and victorious lives on earth.

It is ultimately futile to celebrate Christmas without embracing the birthday CELEBRANT: JESUS. His coming to Earth was to offer freedom from sin and eternal damnation, a gift that should not be overlooked.

Celebrating Christmas every year while remaining bound by sin and harmful habits/addictions, which Jesus has already freed us from, is contradictory. Spending your resources on lavish celebrations, only to face eternal separation from God due to the rejection of Jesus and His sacrificial love, is a grave mistake.

I implore you to accept Jesus today. Make this Christmas meaningful by surrendering your life entirely to Him and acknowledging Him as your personal Lord and Savior. This is the very reason He was born: to provide salvation from sin, hell, and death for all mankind, offering eternal life through faith in Him.

Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, I encourage you to do so today. If you have, ensure that you celebrate this Christmas—and every Christmas thereafter—in a manner that brings glory, pleasure and joy to Jesus. Avoid participating in any ungodly or sinful activities this season, even under the guise of celebration.

Stay blessed.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. May the love of Christ remain with you and your family.


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